
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Living in His Presence - Steadfast Training

One of my devotionals referred to 1 Timothy 4.  The overview is that some will fall away during the last days before Christ's return and how we need to know this is true.  That we should be prepared ourselves as athletes prepare to compete, referring to the discipline in training to compete.  Lastly, to remain steadfast.

Sadly, we see people falling away from belief in Christ.  One possibility is the society we live in today, the "fast food" mentality.  The ideal that we should invest time and energy into anything for a consistent period of time is passé.  Athletes know full well the price required to be in the running for success.  There are no short cuts to success.  We must prepare so we can execute.

We see that history has always taught us that effort, patience and steadfast commitment are the ingredients that brings results.  In growing in God's grace, we find ourselves in a struggle against sin(self) to put in the effort to consistently do our part in walking by faith.  Reading God's word, praying (communicating with our Father) and staying the course.  We partner with our Savior in this journey.

Being available and open to what God has for us begins in the same place as did our salvation, by receiving.  We accepted God's truth about Christ and His sacrifice for our eternal salvation, so we now accept God's plan for our life in Christ here and now.  To continue to receive from God, we remain receptive by learn of God through His word.  His word is full of examples showing us how He interacts, instructs and empowers those who live by faith and follow Him.

Prayer is our way to share our belief in His word and plans for our life.  Our way to share our concerns for where we're going and doing.  To deliver our concerns (intercession) for family, friends and foes (yes we are to love our enemy's & pray for those who persecute us ~Matthew 5:44).  A time to be still and listen for His direction and to know that HE is God.

Although consistently reading His word and praying are difficult, the most difficult part of our growth is remaining steadfast.  All sort of things pop up in life to potentially derail the training plan.  For the athlete, injury, sickness or will power can jump up and mess up the process.  Commitment is often the only thing that separates the winners from the rest of the field.  In our spiritual life, this is the greatest piece of the process.  Without discipline we will stumble, trip and fall.

When we do everything "right" we will still get tripped up, we'll stumble and flat out fall on our face from time to time.  The difference will come as a result of our training, the consistent exercise of our faith in Christ.  Through this we will be able to get back up and back on track, because we'll see what has happened and by God's grace and through Christ's strength.

All of these things will add to the foundation of our relationship with Christ.  As we continue this journey, "Living in His Presence", our foundation is strengthened because we continue to exercise our faith.  Greater tests and more intense trails will come our way, as we face these we will see how God has and is working with us to succeed.

Living in His Presence involves the understanding that we are not alone and we still must do our part for the relationship.  By studying His word, praying and fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ, we grow stronger.  We become increasingly sensitive to Him and this makes it easier to listen and learn from Him.

Blessings & Peace

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