
Monday, November 28, 2011

Living in His Presence - Day 2

I started the day the in the same manner as I fell asleep last night, in His glorious presence!  I drifted off professing Him as Lord of All and my deepest desire to spend as much time as possible living out my life in His Presence.  I woke up this morning and my conscious thoughts returned to the same place I’d left off last night.
The sleep came easy, the rest blessed and the time to rise easier.  I’m not saying there will be a repeat tonight, however I will spend my time the same and by His grace this will become the most consistent part of my journey.  My goal is to spend more of my days in His presence and to me that certainly means fixing my mind first and lastly each day on HIM!
Now for the confession; after I left for work this morning, the wheels came off the “focus bus”.  I was more aware of my decisions and my perspective was less about myself.  I know you can identify with the statement that, "my day just started running on autopilot."
When we’re in this mode of doing what we always do at work, we miss His Presence.  "Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people." ~Colossians 3:23  I’m starting to realize that this verse, for me anyway, is just the starting point.  I believe that to arrive at the same point as Brother Lawrence did, we must move beyond performing our work for the Lord.  I believe we must move to the point of knowing He is right beside us as we labor.
How we work at our jobs and how we interact with people, this is where we bring glory and honor to our Father.  Either we honor Him or we discredit Him and His message for the world.  Remembering that our desire is to honor our Father with all of our life.  “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.” ~John 3:16-17
People in our world today really do not want to hear more testimonies, they deeply desire to SEE testimonies!  Everyone is looking for the authentic in this world, for a hope that isn't just "live for now and it's done."  With the constant pressures and requirements in the world today, is it any wonder that Christians are viewed no differently than everyone else?  The lost don't see a consistent difference in the "Christian life" than their own.  I believe that as we grow in His grace, we will become very sensitive to the rest of the world around us and even to those living on the opposite side of the world from us.
Looking back to John 3:17, let’s not miss the point.... “but to SAVE the world through Him.”  Jesus was asked a question about the greatest commandment in the law and “Jesus replied; “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’  All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” ~Matthew 22:37-40
God loves the whole world and Jesus said we should love God our Father with all that we are and not only that BUT our neighbor as our self!  You and I may not like our neighbors very much for any number of reasons, HOWEVER our Father loves them with every drop of blood shed by Jesus on Calvary!!!
This is the new journey, to see with God our Father’s eyes and His heart.  We will only succeed “Living in His Presence” day by day and moment by moment.
Blessings & Peace

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