
Friday, December 2, 2011

Living in His Presence - Day 5-6

Life as we all know is busy, full of activity and some nonsense.  Trouble with it all, sometimes is we don't do the stuff that's really important to us.  For me, this blog is really important for many reasons and I just ran out of time yesterday.  I did however, accomplish two other very important items.  And, the surprise from God our Father that completely took my breath away.

We never really know who's watching us and what impact we are having for God's Kingdom.  Yesterday, I got a peek!  A man I've worked with over the years took me into his confidence based in part on my relationship with our Father.  He told me how he knew I was a man of faith and shared a personal tragedy with me.  I was completely unaware of what he needed to speak to me about and so I was a great way.

Being blessed by our Father is always sweet and I can't begin to express to you how special this has been.  I'm not wanting to dwell on this or make it out to be more than it should be, there IS a much greater point.  The purpose over the last several days has been and will continue to be "Living in His Presence".  Were I not practicing what I'm writing about, I don't know that what I've described would have taken place.

We choose to live our life either for our Lord and Savior or for ourselves. The decision to choose God starts us on HIS path.  When we choose HIM, life doesn't get easier, it does get better.  Opportunities come along to glorify Him and to grow in grace in astounding ways.  God is so very good and has nothing but the best for us, even when it doesn't look like He has our best in mind....HE REALLY DOES!!!

I don't know if you sing or participate in worship activities at your church.  We've been busy learning music and for me that means listening to the songs repeatedly.  This is really an understatement because in my job I spend a great deal of time on the road going from location to location.  Thirty minute programs get a ton of mileage as the miles roll by.  What's the point to all this...

When you practice "Living in His Presence" the words to the songs we sing take on a whole new dimension in our relationship with our Father.  Case in point are the words to the following song by Twila Paris:

Come, Emmanuel 
with Hear Us from Heaven

Come and speak to us, Come and renew us;
Come and live thro' us, Emmanuel.
Grace to implore us, Ever before us;
Come and restore us, Emmanuel.

Once mercy found us, Still You astound us;
Hold and surround us, Emmanuel.
Living inside us, Faithful to guide us;
Cover and hide us, Emmanuel.

Lord, hear our cry; Come, heal our land.
Breathe life into these dry and thirsty souls.
Lord, hear our prayer; forgive our sin.
As we call on Your name,
will You make this a place for Your glory to dwell?

Open the blind eyes, unlock the deaf ears;
Come to Your people, as we draw near.
Hear us from heaven; touch our generation.
We are Your people crying out in desperation.

Living in His Presence for me is wrapped up in the words of this song.  I'm renewed by His word and His presence.  I'm restored because of the work completed by Christ on Calvary!  I'm astounded by His grace and mercy, that He loved me first.

I KNOW that He hears our cries and that He alone is able to breathe life back into us!  He is the only one who can quench the thirst within us that is like parchment paper.  By choosing to live this way, we make ourselves available and ready for HIS glory to dwell within us.

Seeking His forgiveness for our sin; we're not just asking for me, the request is for our local church body, our town, our country and our world.  We need HIM and He's chosen us.  I'm excited to be of use in His Kingdom plan, to glory my Father!

Blessings & Peace

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