
Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Let's start with a definition from Wikipedia:
     "Worship is an act of religious devotion usually directed towards a deity. The word is derived from the Old English worthscipe, meaning worthiness or worth-ship — to give, at its simplest, worth to something, for example, Christian worship."

The link goes into brief overviews of various religions and by following the link you can read those.  My focus over the next few blogs will speak directly to "devotion directed" and in our case devotion directed to God our Father, the creator of all that has ever been, is now and forever.

Today worship is usually referred to as that time set aside in a church service where songs a sung.  Some consider giving tithes and offerings as worship.  Prayer time both during church and individually are considered as worship.  What about reading God's word or working or playing?

Starting with what we all agree to be worship and moving forward over the next few days leading to Christmas, I want to discuss these different areas of life with regard to worship.

Singing songs and listening to songs written to praise and honor God have always been considered a direct act of worship.  These songs point to our Father's many attributes; blessing, courage, faithfulness, glory, honor and victory to name some on a short list.  They speak to who God is to us and to who we are in Him.  How He gives us comfort, courage and strength.

When we sing songs to Him, we fill His joy rising up in our hearts as we are giving Him glory, honor and praise through song for all praise is rightfully His to receive.  Anyone who has ever been down or feeling less than their best, can attest to the fact that praising God through song has an immediate impact on their spirit and outlook.

Personally, I know over the years there have been times when I didn't want to go or do anything.  During those moments, I will find myself singing songs of praise to God and before I realize it my mood has changed.  My spirit just a bit lighter and then I begin to pray, leaving the burdens on the alter of my heart at the foot of Christ's cross.

Music is very powerful and provides a gateway to worship that is very easy to enter.  Songs make it easy for everyone to enter into a time of worship.  Rhythm is easily found for everyone in song.  A connection that seems much easier when music is involved.

We are a people created to love music and dance.  We're drawn to music more easily than almost anything else in this life.  I believe it is one of the very core parts created in us by God.  Song draws us into greater depths.  Songs of worship draw us closer and into a deeper relationship with God our Father.

Blessings & Peace

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