
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Giving Away

During this time of year, every year for that matter, even the world at large says that it is better to give than receive.  What about the rest of the year?  I think the answer is that it isn't "fashionable".  I also believe that as Christians we aren't setting the proper example.
Jesus gave of Himself during His ministry and ultimately all of Himself on the cross at Calvary.  "If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it." ~Matthew 10:39  As Christians, we should seek opportunities daily to give to our communities.  Starting with the time before Thanksgiving and running through Christmas, we have food drives, the Angel tree program, visit's to nursing homes for our elderly.
We should be opening our hearts to those in need and as God enables us, we should fulfill needs.  Giving in Christ's name for His purpose will glorify the Father.  We should begin now seeking how over the last few weeks of this year we can serve our Father in this regard.
Going forward into the coming year to come, will we plan to continue serving others? Will serving others fade away as Christmas time with family and friends starts to fade?  We must be challenged to seek God's direction for meeting His purposes here and now.  Not just during this special time of year.
How we serve our Savior is personal.  Not all are given the same gifts or talents.  I know many who are involved monthly, weekly and/or daily at home and abroad in our Lord’s service.  Is it possible that we aren't involved and we need to get started somewhere?  Do we have more to give?  The Christian life IS about giving, not receiving!
Life here is a journey.  I write this blog to challenge myself and those who read it.  The challenge is to realize that it IS Christ alone who enables us for this journey.  That living in His presence is more than talking about it.  This is all about exercising our faith.
Faith is a statement that indicates an action.  It's not enough to say, "I believe this or that," proof is required and that requirement is action.  We can say we believe all day long, it is only when we are tested that we discover the truth about what we believe.
If we believe Christ gave everything and has called us to give and serve others, we must step up and be moved to act in His name.  We always receive what we give.  Whether in helping in some way or participating in various forms of worship (specific definitions to follow in another blog entry).
Think about this, Christ was always giving.  God our Father gave first to us.  He still gives first in all things.  We’ve never been asked to do anything that Christ didn’t do first.  Christ lead by example and he calls us to do the same now.  Lead a lost world to Christ by following His example of giving ourselves to HIS commission. That commission is: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” ~Matthew 28:19-20
We are to share the compassion and love of Christ and to accomplish this, we MUST GIVE.  The choice is ours to make.  Either we believe God and Christ and willingly give as He has given or selfishly cling to that which we can’t keep.  I pray we all choose life and seek how God will use us to actively participate in HIS Kingdom work.
Blessings & Peace

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