
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Secrets of Providence

Streams in the Desert, with Mrs. Charles Cowman - Streams in the Desert - Nov. 8 - Christian Devotional:

"Sometimes diamonds are done up in rough packages, so that their value cannot be seen. When the Tabernacle was built in the wilderness there was nothing rich in its outside appearance. The costly things were all within, and its outward covering of rough badger skin gave no hint of the valuable things which it contained."

How often we scoff at things or people who come into our life. They don't seem appealing or even very interesting. Too often we "judge the book by it's cover" and this is where we miss terribly the thing God has brought to us. For the times when we do stop and take stock of what has come our way, we do find the gift.

Whether the point is; something we need to learn, to do or experience for a later purpose, we must have our eyes and ears fixed toward our Father. As we grow in our relationship with God through Christ, we become increasingly sensitive to the Holy Spirit's counsel.

Many things, people and situations pass our way every day. Only when we're prayed up and seeking God's direction in our life moment by moment are we aware and open to the subtle ways God moves in our life.

Here's the work of a Christian from where I stand, our relationship with God through Christ. Yesterday, I wrote about ours is to be available and receive all the our Father has for us and I believe that is true. That is our work, to be available, to listen, to receive, to learn what God has for us to learn. As He reveals to us, we move in that direction.

Think about how we go through life in general. As we gain knowledge and experience, we move in those ways that are proven and productive. Whether in work or play, it's the same as we build on positive results. Even when the outcome doesn't actually make "sense" we know from experience what the outcome will be.

As we draw nearer to God through studying His word, prayer and action, we gain greater confidence in our relationship. Our faith grows stronger and so do the challenges, obstacles and trials. Again, as with yesterdays' blog entry, I believe our Father's purpose in us is to make us into the image of Christ. Christ always did what the Father asked Him to do, was where the Father intended Him to be and sought to do His Father's work always.

Though the road may become impossible we remember that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. ~Philippians 4:13 The beauty of the day to day, moment by moment life we lead in Christ is that we will find it begins to flow. Ever notice how Jesus was never rushed or in a hurry? He sought God first and intentionally lived out His life to fulfill God's purposes, not His own.

Perspective, God's perspective is the only view point, that at the end of the day will provide us with any sense in this life. His perspective is how we need to view our life and what moves in and out of the moments and things we see and touch. Although the packages appear rough, ugly or completely uninteresting.... these may be the diamonds God has delivered specifically to you and me for this specific time and place in our life. Maybe directly for us or for someone else in our life to touch for Him.

You choose today what you will do.

Blessings & Peace

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